Are you DONE WITH DIETS? I am too!

Most of us start a diet with a mindset of restriction, deprivation, and punishment, right? So we start the latest fad diet and immediately start depriving and restricting ourselves all the while pinching our fat, feeling ugly (“less than”), and refusing to look in the mirror because we detest our bodies! We lose weight temporarily, just to gain it back, and then some, right? Does any of this sound familiar? I understand because I tried dieting all the “wrong” ways for decades and I am Done with Diets!!


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Are you ready to start feeling better, have more energy, reduce cravings, lose weight, gain/regain YOUR health and vitality?


As a MINDful Body Confidence Coach, I work with women who are done with diets and struggle with unwanted pounds and shame! I help them gain confidence and love themselves to their ideal body. For example, I recently worked with a frustrated woman who was filled with hopelessness and guilt because of endless diet failures. By the end of my 90-day MINDful Transformation Coaching, she not only lost 26 pounds but she is enjoying more energy and mobility! But most importantly, she says she now has a positive outlook moving forward because she has learned how to love herself and end the self-sabotage because she is worth it!

I help my clients discover what triggers them to overeat or binge eat while helping them break through the barriers in their minds that impede their progress so they can live free and fulfilled.  I lead them through a well thought out and proven process so they can not only eat MINDfully but also create a sustainable lifestyle for maximum health & vitality!

I invite YOU to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY 60-minute “Done With Diets” Mutual Fit Session NOW! You will experience some amazing insights (even if you don’t hire me as your Coach)!


Are you ready? Let's explore possibilities together to help you get from where you are to where you want and deserve to be!

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I am living proof that IT IS POSSIBLE! I have literally transformed from an insecure, morbidly obese approval addict to a brave, healthy, Body Confidence Coach!




Late 2019 I had recovered from second bout of cancer. I knew I wanted to move forward- in health, life, my thoughts, attitudes and all. I wanted to shed 25-30 pounds, move my business forward, enhance relationships, and have a more positive outlook. Religion and relying on God played a role but needed to be stronger. After spending 6 months coaching with Dr Carol I have a much more positive outlook on myself and life. My direction is clear.

Not only have I lost 25 pounds but have also cleaned up my diet considerably- much more plant based, find myself trying new recipes, have a greater respect for why I stress eat and am more aware of the mindfulness around eating. Exercise can be difficult with mobility issues and arthritis but I have worked through those and am now much more active.

My confidence is considerably stronger, and I am being bolder in life and in business. While others gained “the Covid 19,” I lost 25 pounds and am experiencing many positive changes in my life. Dr Carol’s coaching could not have come at a better time! DR Carol does not judge…she has walked the walk and understands much of what I was going through. I am forever grateful!


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As a child, I was extremely skinny. However, when I began to "bloom" into a teenager, my body began to take on more weight than I needed. I quickly let it get out of control and all of my adult life I have been obese. It impacted everything about my life; it kept me trapped and feeling ashamed, unwanted, unaccepted and unlovable. It even changed my personality into one of coldness, displaying a more stern, angry or easily angered persona. It was a protection mechanism for my lack of any self-esteem. Dr. Carol has so turned that around for me! She has wholly accepted me as I am and guided me through deep introspection, walking with me as I began to take note of why I felt these feelings. She helped me begin to focus on NOT being perfect, NOT having to be in a "completed" mode at all times - which I felt was never going to happen for me. My whole life is a work in progress and Carol has shown me how to believe in myself and recognize my worth and how I define MYSELF. This helped me understand my relationship with food. A new world has opened for me. She has helped me find methods to be accountable and navigate my personal world of food so successfully! I am losing weight at a comfortable, healthy rate while enjoying eating! She leads by example. She has been there and knows how it feels. She is relatable. She is loving, compassionate and an inspiration. Everyone needs a Dr. Carol in their life! I have been able to give up sodas and sugar COMPLETELY! Before working with her, that was an impossibility. She has given me techniques and concepts to use continually in my health/weightloss journey. I have lost 22 pounds and will continue using all I have learned from her to continue my weight loss. I had quit trying to give up sugar, sodas, fast food, etc. She gave me HOPE and then showed me it WAS possible. She has made me aware of my habits and deep, inner reflection about myself, my perspective toward my health and understanding the habits I am and will continue to put away permanently.

Don’t wait for the change you’ve wanted all your life. Start today!