Nutrition Tips

Everything You Need to Know About Meal Prepping

Everything You Need to Know About Meal Prepping

Do you want to simplify mealtime and eat healthier, yet you don’t meal prep? One of the primary keys to successful health & weight loss that my clients get into a habit of is MEAL PLANNING & PREP! So, maybe it’s time for YOU to make meal prep a simple habit so you can set yourself up for success too!

After all, it can save you a lot of hassle when it comes to the dreaded “What should we eat?” question—not to mention saving you time and money. Read on to learn more about how I meal plan and prep for success…

Dr. Carol's best-kept secret for better digestion AND weight loss!

Dr. Carol's best-kept secret for better digestion AND weight loss!

Want to know my best-kept secret for better digestion AND weight loss?

Wait! What? Digestion?

YES! We all know that suffering from digestive problems such as gas, bloating, reflux, stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, or inflammatory bowel disease can seriously make us miserable AND hinder our health goals, true? Here’s how you can EASILY improve that with my simple “secret”…

How I Transformed my Health!

How I Transformed my Health!

I vulnerably share my story of health transformation in hopes that you will be encouraged and inspired to take your own health back! And/or, if you know someone who struggles with food addiction; would you please consider sharing my story too?  I know what it feels like to be hopeless and depressed; my story may help them? I invite you to read and share!  Thank you kindly, Dr. Carol

The decision that changed my life...

The decision that changed my life...

For years I struggled with over-eating, food addiction, binge-eating or whatever label you want to put on it!  I lived to eat. I did not eat to live! This goes back to childhood. I remember “sneaking” food into my bedroom as young as age 4 or 5! Why? I don’t know? If I am 100% authentic, I still don’t know to this day. Everyone wants to know why? Stress?  Emotions? Victim of abuse? I don’t know and honestly, I don’t care anymore!  I could blame my parents and the “obesity gene.” I could blame being an over-looked middle child.  I could blame being made fun of at an early age already for being “chubby.” OR, I could take self-responsibility.